Sunday, 26 June 2016


Yes, I will start this post by stating that I officially LOVE Korea! I’ve always heard people saying that Korea is less of countries like Japan, and asked me not to put too much expectation on this country, but well, I beg to differ! Okay, maybe it’s not as clean as Japan, or the people are not as polite or nice, but I absolutely love the vibe, the streets, the fashion, the cafes, the food, and it goes on and on. How Korea prioritize on beauty and how they love their own local celebrities (well, I see the main actor of Descendants of Sun left right front centre, lol basically everywhere haha) , and how they focus on the decorations of the exterior and interior ; the shops really take effort to make everywhere so picturesque!

Anyway, I’m here to mainly share about Ultra Korea, because that is the reason I was in Korea! All thanks to Play Club KL, they started a new movement called Play Day Out to send people to international parties, and Joseph & I had the privilege to be the first two to be sent to Ultra Korea, along with some winners! They will be sending people to watch Rihanna in London, and to Ibiza as well next, so that’s super duper cool!

Day 1 was really exciting! Obviously because it’s our very first day, duh. Haha. Instead of drinking beer, we actually bought Soju instead, to keep us feeling fly hahaha, which was pretty different! 

Here’s the whole crew : Winners, management team, and us before going into the stadium.
The highlights for the first night were Afrojack and Martin Garrix, and we were pretty excited to see the stadium, crowd, and of course, the music! 

And here's how it looks inside, when it hasn't turned dark yet! But some people start partying early yo.

Everytime we take a selfie, random people would join our photos, haha. It’s crazy how music festivals bring people together, really. All in the name of music.

I personally enjoyed Martin Garrix very much, especially when our friend Adele is a really huge fan, the influence does get to me haha! I wish I could say he ended with a blast, but unfortunately there was some technical error and he had to end abruptly. Boohoo. But no blame on Marin of course, he was amazing!

And when I thought it wouldn’t get any better, 2nd night was just cray cray. The crowd was literally more hardcore and party crazy. It’s like the true rave go-ers united in one place! Knife Party & Axewell were cray cray up there! Hardcore music indeed.

 But I had to save my energy for the last day, of course. What more, it’s the last tour for Avicii! We definitely did level up our game in Soju too, hahaha. 

All decked in red with Joseph :D 

That was definitely a night to remember. Dancing to the beat, with friends, together with people from all around the world, in the name of music.

Thanks again Play Club KL for bringing us to Ultra Korea. Definitely worth it!

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