Hello again ! Let me take you to Florence, a pretty and tranquil little city in Italy. Florence was my 2nd stop in Italy after Rome :) If u missed out on my post about Rome, here it is :
Experience in Rome, Italy
I must say that I enjoyed my trip in Florence very much, maybe because it is not as packed with tourists as Rome, plus the immigrants / con artists are not as aggressive lol.. but overall it is a beautiful city which gave me a peaceful and tranquil aura :)
Maybe I shall start by highlighting my favourite / most significant pictures of the places I visited in Florence :)
1) Leaning Tower of Pisa
2) Grom Gelato ( Dont judge !! Grom ice cream is one of the best things that have happened to me )
3) The beautiful view of the city of Florence
4) The signature narrow alleys ( It might not be interesting to you, but to me, the narrow streets are a signature of Italy! I love walking into the alleys finding hidden gems! )
Well, yea I have highlighted my fav pics in Florence! Lazy readers can stop reading from now already OK JOKING hahhahaa pls lah dont lah. I took alot of time to write this blogpost so, kindly continue....
Alot more pictures below man.... :P
Welcome to the streets of Florence ! If I forgot to mention, Spring is the best time to visit Italy ! Summer would be just EXTREMELY hot , no joke, heat stroke can die. haha.. Hotter than malaysia really .
What is Italy without Gelato? It is incomplete... I had some fairly good gelato, and some that were not memorable.. but I will recommend you my ABSO FAV gelato GROM below :D ( not this one)
Welcome to Pisa !!! Can you spot the Leaning Tower of Pisa below??? Okay, actually Leaning Tower of Pisa is not located in Florence, but most people actually visit Florence, just to visit this iconic building , which is just 1 hour train away from Florence. Then you may ask me, why not just stay in Pisa instead of Florence? That is because Pisa has pretty much nothing except for this Leaning Tower, and Florence is an absolutely pretty city, hence it's wise to stay in Florence for a few days, and just take a day trip to Pisa by train :)
Yay, another bucket list checked!! I can proudly say I have posed with the iconic Leaning Tower of Pisa!!
Not photoshop whatsoever !
If you are not aware of the history of this building. the tilt-to-one-side of this building is unintentional!
The tower's tilt is caused by inadequate foundation on ground too soft on one side, and the tilt gradually increased in decades before the structure was completed, and until the structure was stabilized by efforts in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. So can u imagine, mistakes of the civil engineers or what not at that time has caused this building to become a world icon? haahaha.. anyway...
Took the picture above because the dogs were too adorable ! They just met each other lol..
Me and Ching :)
My travel buddies - Su, Ching, Wan Hong and Jessica :)
The group shot with all of us ! Yeap, Wan Hong is such a pimp :P
By the time we were done with Pisa, the sky was dark already. Time to head back to Florence!
We had take away pizzas for dinner haha! By the time we were back, most of the restaurants were closed already.. Due to some miscommunication with the waiter, they made extra pizzas and we had 3 to 4 extra whole pizzas for free lol ! Lucky us.
The next day, we first headed to a day market and this caught my eye..
It's funny how the menu was in Chinese but not English haha! Yeap, beef stomach bun it is ! haha..
I am a pretty adventurous person ( oh, but not insects / bugs pls ) , and i liked the beef stomach bun!
Moving on, we visited the main church of Florence, Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, which is also one of UNESCO's world heritage sites !
The basilica is one of the largest churches in Italy, and remains the largest brick dome ever constructed.
Too bad I couldn't take the entire cathedral, but just to show you, here it is, pictures I found online.
Looks pretty different from afar right? :)
Camwhoring with my friends :P
Lol, pretty embarassing but my friend Ching asked me to pose a few "model" poses, and here they are... -_-
Hahaaha, now i can say I modeled in Italy before 8)
Jokes... :P
Some pictures of the cathedral below :)
Some of my pictures don't do justice ! Beautiful cathedrals are one of the reasons why I love European countries! The paintings and sculptures are amazing. It is impressive and bewildering how much time they would take to build the house of God.
Next up, we were just roaming around the streets before we get to Ponte Vecchio, one of Florence's oldest and most photographed bridges.
When you see cute narrow alleys with buildings below, you know you are in Italy! I love walking along the narrow streets, searching for hidden gems and unique shops!
Hahaha, look at the picture above, seems like the Italian guy has never seen cute petite Asian girls before lol! Arent they adorable btw? They are my girlfriends, Jessica and Ching :)
It's interesting how some of the restaurants and shops are hidden at the narrow alley. We headed to Grom Gelato Shop, because it was recommended by a guy working in our hostel, not knowing how good it could be!!! I'm so glad I found you, Grom !!!
Yes yes yes !!! Torroncino ( Nougat ) is my TOP FAVOURITE !! But I still remember their other flavours such as Creme de Grom, (made of egg white i think? ) , pistachio, and their sorbet such as strawberry is reallyyy good tooooo. yum yum yum. How I miss you Grom :(
The awesome thing is Grom is EVERYWHERE in Italy, so I had the chance to indulge in it in Venice and Milan as well ! hahaha so happy! I think the calories that I gained from Italy, I havent burnt them all off until now -_- I'm serious.. but.. no regrets, no regrets. Thinking about it, I'm a serious huge spender in gelatos D:
One scoop is averagely about 3 euros, and I had about 35 scoops in 10 days ( I know, im such a monster :( boys will run away from me but haha whatever :P ), so that's 105 euros worth of icecream lol..
Pictures above are the streets of Piaza Della Signoria, a beautiful square surrounding attractions mentioned above and attractions I'm about to share below.
Cute looking gelato! But i didn't try it though, had too much gelato before that hahaa.. not so gluttony after all :P
And yea, you see street artists everywhere in Italy :) They are so talented!
Finally, we reached Ponte Vecchio. The bridge's most striking feature is the line of high-end jewellery shops flanking along each of its edges. Imagine how stunning the view could be witnessing the sunset here?
Ooo tourists being tourists, I witnessed police catching a lady that stole jewelleries from a store haha :P How busybody :P
As you can see below, these are the jewellery shops along the bridge :)
After a long day, we stopped by the supermarket to buy some snacks ! Hahaaa, that's how we tried to save money lol..:D
Moving on to one of my favourite places in Florence , because it is overlooking the magnificent city of Florence, called the Piazzale Michelangelo :)
Well, everything beautiful comes with a price haha! Had to climb so many stairs to get up there!
Paintings everywhere on the streets :)
And finallyyyy, isn't it breahtaking stunning zomg :')
And signs of Spring !!! Flowers blooming :D
Yea and it's really normal to see naked sculptures everywhere hahaa!

Honestly, we were so motivated to try to visit as many places as we can. Can be pretty tiring, but well, we'll never know when we would be coming back again.. so yea! Next Stop !!
This is another cathedral, which I really couldn't remember the name ( sorry :( ) , but it's pretty cool, can u see that it looks 2D?? Just like a wallpaper or a cardboard haha !
While walking and checking out the streets of Florence, we landed in this area where they have a handful of sculptures , called the Bargello Museum, some of the sculptures are pretty exotic / interesting looking ...
Have a good look hahaha... Ancient people really love naked men and penises huh?
And their positions are so weird ? -_-
Alright, that pretty much sums up my time in Florence, too bad we didn't google good eateries, so restaurants that we tried were nothing to shout about, so no point blogging about it here.
But oh my, Grom totally made it allllll up !!! haha. Yea, I'm that crazy over Grom.
Alright, I will continue my journey in Italy on my next travel post!
Venice, the amazingly romantic city of love!!! ( By far, my favourite place in Italy )
Milan - ( What more can I say? Shopping heaven ! )
Toodles for now!