Hello lovely peeps! Well... Is my title hinting something?! Haha
actually.. no lah.
I’m not getting married anytime soon. Not too soon, but it’s always good to start early :P My meaning of starting early is, learning to know more about diamonds and finding my perfect ring. Hahaa.. Diamonds are girls’ best friend right? So it’s good to learn early :D
So today I’m here at LOVE&CO at Gardens Mall!!! Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever really stepped foot into a jeweler shop to look for diamonds and rings, so I guess today is the day!! And I’m glad to share it with all of you!!

So why LOVE&CO? Because they specialized in premier jewelries ,
especially rings with international standard. J I’m particularly
interested in the LVC Lovemark collection. So beautiful with so many unique
designs with a special meaning!
Just look at them!! I just had to try them on :D
Lol!! See!! The male teddy bear is proposing to his lady with the ring on his hand! xD
So creative!!

Full set of couple rings with the teddy bears with the loveliest packaging! I think it’s nearly perfect! But there are definitely problems.. Sooo many rings to choose from!! How are we gonna choose the perfect one?!
There are so many different specifications to look at… colour, how sparkly it is, the karat, the light symmetry, the clarity, cut and etc!
OMG, seriously I’ve never knew there are so many parameters to look at before I came to Love&Co!

Lol! I think even Joseph is having some headache browsing.. And I do
feel for the other guys out there looking to find the perfect ring for their
partner!! But fret not!! Now we have a solution to that, all thanks to
Love&Co! <3
With this technology, we can now have INSTANT access to the diamond information and we could better understand the unique qualities of these LVC Lovemark Diamond! We could look super upclose at the diamonds that we can’t even see from the naked eye :D How cool is that!

That’s me enjoying my cup of tea, wearing my prospective ring :P, while
getting to know more about the diamond through the iPad from the web through
the Sarine Technologies Ltd!
You could go and check it out too, just click this:- Sarine Profile Link
Just can’t stop staring at the rings!! :D Hehe!
I’m not getting married anytime soon. Not too soon, but it’s always good to start early :P My meaning of starting early is, learning to know more about diamonds and finding my perfect ring. Hahaa.. Diamonds are girls’ best friend right? So it’s good to learn early :D
So today I’m here at LOVE&CO at Gardens Mall!!! Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever really stepped foot into a jeweler shop to look for diamonds and rings, so I guess today is the day!! And I’m glad to share it with all of you!!

Just look at them!! I just had to try them on :D
If you are going to buy a LVC Lovemark ring, you will be given this cute couple teddy bear set too! So cute! Also, you could put the ring on the teddy bear for an idea of proposal! Haha! :D
Lol!! See!! The male teddy bear is proposing to his lady with the ring on his hand! xD
So creative!!

Full set of couple rings with the teddy bears with the loveliest packaging! I think it’s nearly perfect! But there are definitely problems.. Sooo many rings to choose from!! How are we gonna choose the perfect one?!
There are so many different specifications to look at… colour, how sparkly it is, the karat, the light symmetry, the clarity, cut and etc!
OMG, seriously I’ve never knew there are so many parameters to look at before I came to Love&Co!

As seen from picture above, Love&Co has created a digitalized
Diamond Shopping Experience , and it’s the first ever in Asia! They adopted the
Sarine Profile by Sarine Technologies Ltd- giving us a digitalized experience
with comprehensive digital diamond reports at just our fingertip at home!
With this technology, we can now have INSTANT access to the diamond information and we could better understand the unique qualities of these LVC Lovemark Diamond! We could look super upclose at the diamonds that we can’t even see from the naked eye :D How cool is that!

You could go and check it out too, just click this:- Sarine Profile Link
Definitely an enlightening experience at Love&Co! It’s
time girls and boys, to learn about it, because you know.. we need to have some
rings some day some how.. haha!
Also, there will be a Love&Co Road Show at The Gardens 28 Oct-6Nov. Go check out the beauty for yourselves! :D
For more details, head to these links below:-
Web Link: http://love-and-co.com/
Facebook Link : https://www.facebook.com/L0veandC0
Instagram: @loveandcoofficial
and the Sarine Profile Link:-
Also, there will be a Love&Co Road Show at The Gardens 28 Oct-6Nov. Go check out the beauty for yourselves! :D
For more details, head to these links below:-
Web Link: http://love-and-co.com/
Facebook Link : https://www.facebook.com/L0veandC0
Instagram: @loveandcoofficial
and the Sarine Profile Link:-