Are you all ready for Future Music Festival Asia 2014?
This year FMFA has the craziest, sickest, line ups, ever and I tell you, you wouldn't want to miss out the best rave party in Malaysia yet!
From the best DJs in the world - Armin Van Burren, Deadmau5, Markus Schulz, to award winning artists - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis and Pharrel Williams !!
I've already gotten my tickets! Have you?? :)
Okay, maybe you could try winning them! :)This year, Asahi is the official beer of FMFA and they've organised various contests for you to win FMFA14 Passes and you may be the lucky one! :) Such as below...
Go to their facebook page Asahi Malaysia and get further info on how to win those passes and their upcoming FMFA Pre-Parties !
Oh yes, speaking of which, of course I attended the first FMFA Pre-Party held in Prodigy, and hence, this post! :)
It was all good, some warming up, getting me ready for the real thing in 10 days !
Honestly, it seems like it has been ages since I last partied in KL, and so I was pretty excited :)
This was my outfit for the night, both dress and jacket sponsored by Phat Culture :)Thank you! You girls should check out their clothing too !

The party scene at Prodigy, thanks to Asahi Malaysia ! :)
It's always good to meet up with all my blogger friends :)
Time for some pictures together!
Yay, can't wait for FMFA! Oh wait, if you've missed the first pre-party, fret not !
Next one will be at PLAY on the 6th of March!
Borgeous! The one who mixed the ever famous 'Tsunami' will be there! :)
Thank you Asahi Malaysia and Manoah for a great party once again :)
Gotten the 3 days pass =]